Wednesday, December 31, 2014

I am still trying to learn all of this social media stuff so bare with me please.  I have dropped the price of the book to 7.99.  This is a great cause and would appreciate your support.  The book is a fiction book about the story of a lost wagon train that settles in the middle of nowhere.  They are eventually found many years later and then the fun really starts.  There is greed, betrayal,  revenge, and all kinds of twists and turns.  I have received good comments from everyone that has read the book and know most of you readers will enjoy it.
Thank you,

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

TSgt Timothy Adams on retired MSgt Zeno

MSgt (Ret.) Ken Zeno
Hello all,

My name is TSgt Timothy J Adams. I served with MSgt (Ret) Ken Zeno for roughly four years. In that time, I forged a strong bond with him not only as my flight chief, but as a Mentor and friend. I learned a great deal on leadership and followership during our time together. We served a nearly seven month tour of Afghanistan together. During that deployment, I was dealing with a great deal of personal problems and I was always able to seek guidance from him. If nothing else he got me out of my own head and provided humor. He always pushed me to be a better, stronger person and NCO both physically and mentally. He taught me how to lead my airmen and always achieve the mission goal. He truly was one of the greatest mentors of my career. He has always shown me a great deal of respect and caring on a personal level. I remember that he bought and had a flag flown in an F-15E during Operation Enduring Freedom for every single member of our flight. With those flags came a certificate and a word of thanks from him. I will never forget that. Going back to the personal issues I was dealing with, he made contact with my mom who was worried about me with the stresses of being in a combat zone and dealing with issues back home and put her mind at ease knowing he was going to ensure I was taken care of. There are people you meet in your career that fade away as time passes and then there are people like Ken Zeno, a man I will never forget, a man that has helped me through difficult times and a man that I am proud to call my brother.

Very Respectfully,

Timothy J Adams, TSgt, USAF
355 FW Flight Safety NCO
Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 85707

Friday, December 12, 2014

Here is one of the reviews I have received from a reader.  As far as the lanquage I kept it to a minimum and the sex there are a couple of references but no vivid sexual descriptive scenes.  I am glad that he enjoyed the book and know that you will too.  The constructive criticism is great to hear also.

Didn't see the ending coming!!!   Good read!  The language and sex may be too much for some but story had a good moral to it.

It was good.   Couldn't put it down until the end!

Patrick "Skypilot" Genseal
Skypilot Gunsmithing, LLC

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Todd King, US Army OIF veteran

I just wanted to say a few words about my step father.  He is a man with true conviction.  Over a year ago I was going through some rough times and reached out to him.  He told me to come and stay with him and my mom for as long as it takes to get myself back on the right track.  I then moved into his house along with my dog.  He has never once asked me for anything or asked for any money to help with the household finances.  When one of my brothers from the army passed away he went directly to the bank and gave me 500 dollars to help in my expenses to get to the funeral because it was all the way across the country.  He cared for my dog and never said anything negative about it.  I know what kind of man he is and wanted to share a story about how he has already helped a veteran in need.  I do not know too many step fathers that would accommodate a person as much as he has.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

For some reason I just cant get this campaign up and running.  I do not know what the problem is.  I have had good reviews about the book and I am giving up more than 40 percent of sales to start this great charity.  If anyone has any ideas about this then please let me know.  Is it because of the holiday season?  Do I have to put a video of me putting on lipstick or mascara on the internet to get noticed?  I know I am not an accomplished writer so is the book price too high?  Anyway enough ranting, I am venting a little.  I hope you end up reading the book and see that it is an enjoyable one.

Friday, December 5, 2014

We are writing this post to reach out to all of the veterans and people still in the military.  I know that most of the vets out there had a hard time when they got out of the military, both financially and more.  This charity that we are trying to start is for that purpose.  A lot of you havent recovered because of the job market of today.  To all the people still in, I know you will feel better knowing that there is an easily accessible organization out there to help you in your day of need if you fall into hardship.  I hope that this cause doesnt just fade into the night and disappear.   The book is the way to fund this charity and I am sure that alot of you will enjoy reading it.  Not all of you but we cant please everybody.   To all of the civilians out there, I know you love to support your military but there are others that get out without disabilities and cant still have a hard time to support themselves and families.
Thank you,

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Well I just got some more positive feedback from one of the book readers.  He is suppose to comment on the book on our sites.  I know that it sounds like I am tooting my own horn but I love to get all feedback and constructive criticism from people.  I know that out of all the readers so far I haven't had too much bad feedback.   I tried to make the book interesting from first page to last page and put in a bunch of twists throughout.  Judging by the feedback that I have gotten this was accomplished.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

We are trying to start this charity because of our situation when we got out of the military.  There are a lot of charities out there for veterans and all of them are great.  The only problem with most of them is that they concentrate on the wounded and disabled vets.  Like I said before all of those charities are great and I respect all of those people that contribute to that cause.  I am 100 percent rated disabled myself.   We want to concentrate on the veterans that aren't disabled or wounded.  There are a lot of veterans out there that are just not able to support themselves after they get out because of the job market.  I personnally was one of them until I finally got my rating from the VA 10 months after I retired.  Due to unforeseen circumstances my savings was drained and the only job I could find was a part time minimum wage job.  It was a help but I did almost file for bankruptcy.  If you can find it in your heart to contribute to this cause I have written a book for your enjoyment to read.  Granted it isnt going to be a literary masterpiece but I have been told by those that have read it that it is pretty good.  You can go to our site and purchase it if you want to.  The site is   we also have a facebook page of the same name if you want to visit that too.  Our twitter is @2vetscause.
Thank you for viewing and I hope you enjoy the book if you read it,

Saturday, November 29, 2014

2 vets for vets is going to be a non profit charity for vets that have and are transitioning into the civilian life and fallen into financial hardship.  The two of us are trying to get enough revenue to start the charity.  We are both USAF and Afghanistan veterans and were among the ones that did have a hard time financially after we got out due to unforseen circumstances.   Please visit for more information.  We are also on facebook and twitter and they are both 2vetscause.  We are not looking for handouts because I have written a book for your enjoyment to read.
Thank you,